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Much like The Cornerpieces and Wallpieces, Mountain follows the aesthetic rules of 3D design applications. Instead of being small and fragile, Mountain extrapolates the same principles into an architectural scale. The triangulated structure that reminds so much of computer graphics


Rid was made during a short residency in Lipovac, Serbia. The work is on one hand concerned with the beautiful mountainous landscape of the region and the tendency of its residents to live with their history, to keep alive what

Capa Expansions

Capa Expansions is a reconstruction of Robert Capa’s famous photographs of D-Day. He’s photo’s were often used as reference for the design of movie and game scenes. Because of the hostile circumstances in which the photo’s were taken and because of


I was sitting on my couch watching TV and a fly landed on my chest. I whacked it and by my great surprise I actually caught it. I didn’t kill it though, and could just softly hold it between my


In FPS a shoot’m up computer game is simulated with Super 8 cameras. Two contenders try to find each-other in their field of view and fire. The game last as long as a role of film. The result is projected
